Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Looking for Life...wild that is.

Lately I've been spending way too much time in the bay area. Sorry friends, I grew up in San Francisco and love the visit occasionally. But since I moved to the mountains 42 years ago it is increasingly difficult for me to adjust to the traffic and congestion.

So what's a wildlife photographer to do? Surprisingly enough there is more wildlife around the bay area then one might first imagine. I've seen more deer in the peninsula hills then in Tahoe! Then there is the occasional mountain lion sighting. Sometimes near schools! No, they're not after the kids, they are following the deer.

Probably the easiest and most accessible wildlife for me are the birds of San Francisco Bay Wetlands. In fact it is almost amazing what's going on just blocks from Hwy 101! Take any exit, go toward the bay, and you will most likely find some natural treasure for hiking, biking, and wildlife photography!

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